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Sunday, June 25, 2017

Someone unplugged my PS4 while I was playing...

So quick back story... I'm in the military and currently deployed. There's a "game room" that consists of tables and chairs with Ethernet cables and power strips galore. I was playing MLB The Show 17 and I was also downloading Resident Evil 5 when some imbecile unplugged my PS4 thinking it was his cable. This is the fourth time this has happened since I've been here. I tried turning it back on it lit up and beeped then turned off. After trying a few more times it only makes 3 quick beeps with no light. I waited a few hours and still 3 beeps and no light. I'm still furious when I think about the whole situation because this is how I still talk to my younger brother back home. I would love all the help I can get. Thank you guys in advance.

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