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Thursday, July 20, 2017

Madden 18 Season Ps4

Me and a Friend are starting a Madden league/Season when the new madden18 comes out. We are looking for 30 more people for the other teams. If we can get the 30 people we will discuss a Draft or play with the team you choose. We would like relax/chill people to have fun and play the game. Please if you would like to play message me and reply to this post. Also choose what team you would like to play with. Would like to get everyone by the end of the month or beginning of august if possible. Me- Panthers Friend - Eagles (TetrisTech - Cowboys) (argus2968 - Seahawks) (TdayoHey - Broncos) (leaveittothebreeze - Niners) (norty62- Raiders) (thorbunz - Falcons) (trollz454- Packers) (rec_ocho - Bucs) (Aka-Charlie Giants)(thekingswitness - Pats)(alexcustom6877 - Ravens) 19 TEAMS REMIND PLease comment on this link if you would like to play

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