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Sunday, July 16, 2017

UNTIL DAWN - Im really realy confused

Let me explain: yesterday I played the part with Chris that has to choose who save, ashley or josh. I wanted josh alive but after a few reloading I figured out that Josh dies anyway cutted in half.

Basically I thought during the first part of the game that Josh is involved in the facts of the whole game: my speculation was that invited back all friends to get revenge of the loss of the sisters because of the prank in the prologue.

But if that s true how the fuck does it die? It would be a suicide.

And then I cant understant, during the analyst Dr Hill parts, the character behind the chair that you actually use isnt Josh having allucinations? If so how is possible keeping have the allucination if josh dies after the death by the saw?

I didnt spoiled anything else about the plot just that, can you explain me please? Im becoming mad.

I know that there are other people involved in the facts, probably also for revenge against the washington family, for now what im worrying is the josh death and the analyst parts

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