Tbh i dont like most of the games we get thrown in our face for our subscription each month. Even the so called AAA titles are just old stuff that - if ihad any interest i them - i could buy for peanuts on the used market. A few games have been okay, and there has also been a few games that took me by surprise. I know a voting system has been discussed, but it was concluded, that it would divide the comunity and make the 'losers' salty costumers. Wouldnt it be possible to make a token system, where each subscriber could buy certain (or even all if they saved up?) games, that would be available as long as you had a ps+ sub.
I don't know if it's possible, but right now its just download and delete each month, and that kind of sucks. I'm not asking for the hottest games out there for free, just a little more selection would be cool.
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