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Thursday, August 31, 2017

Jak & Daxter Games Release Dates???

So I know Sony announced they'd be releasing the Jak trilogy as well as Jak X on PS4 sometime this year. I only just found out that Jak 1 released a little over a week ago and it snuck right by me. I know it released around the same time as the Uncharted spinoff because it was a preorder bonus or something.

But my question is: when the hell are we getting Jak 2, 3, and X? I can't find any information about it online. All I can find is "2017". I have a feeling they will just subtly release it on the PS Store with no real warning or advertisements anywhere. Hell, even finding the "PS2 on PS4" section within the PS Store is obscure and hidden.

So anyone have any ideas when we will be seeing the next few Jak games? Obviously, I'm a little impatient but I don't think it's wrong to want to have a definitive release date lol.

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