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Friday, September 8, 2017

[question] UK citizen in Spain can't pay for PS4 plus, what are my options?

I just bought a PS4 to play Ark online. I have a Spanish PS4, disc was bought in Spain.

I've had a good read about this problem so I know what the situation is.

So far I have made an account with my address in Spain. I can't pay with a card that isn't registered in Spain. I can't add my UK paypal accounts. The pre-pay card service thing doesn't seem to work anymore. I tried to buy Spanish PS4 Plus subscription card on G2A but I'm having further problems with this.

Can I create a UK account on this PS4 and pay with my UK card, and if I do this, will it work hassle-free? Will I still be able to get correct updates for the game? Will this cause other problems that I'm not aware of? I don't want to pay for the service and then be locked out of it.

Or any other options that I'm not aware of?

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