For the last two weeks, my launch console has basically been an elaborate paperweight. With the 5.00 update my ps4 downloads the update and then pops up with the error code e-801809A8 and my ps4 freezes. Now, I read that this was a common issue with faulty Blu ray affected ps4's so I waited for the 5.01 update to see if it would help. It didn't. Same problem.
I've tried rebuilding the database from safe mode, and then had enough and called Sony tech support. After a 30 minute long conversation with tech support, I was told that because my launch ps4 is out of warranty, I'm pretty much SOL or I wait until the next update comes out.
Since, this was no fault of my own. This was a problem that Sony caused, do I have any recourse at all here? I realize not many people were affected. However, if this happened to my car, I'm pretty sure the manufacturer would repair the computer due to a recall issue.
I just think that this is ridiculous if my ps4 is bricked due to sony. They should rectify this. This shouldn't be an issue where a company can brick your console and the answer is "well, it's out of warranty... Soo......"
Rant over... Sorry guys.
Edit: Downvoted already? Wow.
TLDR: New Sony updates bricked my launch ps4 console. Sony tech support says they cant do anything. It's Sonys fault and at the very least if they can't fix this issue, they should at least provide the opportunity for a refurbished ps4.
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