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Friday, July 21, 2017

Can you get banned for getting in an argument over messages?

So today some guy added me to a party and I simply said "What's up what do you want" not trying to be mean. He took this as me being mean and started cursing at me and pretty much just flaming me for no reason. So I left the part obviously and swept it off. At this point he added me to group chat and started cursing and doing that shit to me over messages. I left and he added me back. This continued until I got angry and responded. Pretty much there was just a huge argument between us in the messages, with us both saying a lot of rude things in the heat of the moment responding to each other. Then he said that he was reporting me because of it and was going to get my account banned. I know that playstation doesn't really responds to reports, but if they do in this situation we both would be banned. Anyway I tried to defuse the situation by telling him that reporting the chat is a dumb decision because we both would be banned but he says that he doesn't care as long as I go down. I told him that it would be easier for us each to block eachother and move on but he's adamant on getting me banned no matter what it takes.

Will playstation really look too far into a couple of teenagers having an argument over messages? If so is there an appeal process where I can explain myself and that I tried to defuse it? I have thousands of dollars and hours into this account and don't want to lose it because of some stupid argument. Anyway I posted this on my throwaway because I know how stupid it sounds. I just want to make sure.

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