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Friday, August 18, 2017

Anyone else having issues with a flash of black screen at certain points?

Due to recent events and circumstances, I haven't use my PS4 in a while. I pulled it out yesterday and and let it update to the newest, which I think is 4.7 something. Then noticed this: At certain times, it almost… Skips with a black screen when starting something. I haven't tested everything, yet, but for a couple examples, this happened when I started Persona 5 and when I entered into rest mode. It's only for a split second, but in both cases the initial screen signifying the start of each thing, would immediately flash to a black screen with no sound before going back to normal. Like a skip. I can film it to show you, but I don't know how to put a video on here. Let me know and I can add it later. For now, I hope I explained it well enough…let me know if I need to add more info. Has it happened to you or do you know what it is?

EDIT: I may delete this post and try again with just a video of the issue if that's easier.

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