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Friday, August 4, 2017

PS4 Controller Drift Issue Fixed!

TL;DR Controller drift was a wifi interference issue. Re-did my wireless network, and set up PS4 internet connection with LAN (ethernet cable) instead of wifi. This fixed the issue!

Thought I'd share my experience because it was a nightmare of troubleshooting to try to get this to work!

Apparently when we upgraded the firmware of my Apple Airport Extreme, things started to get wonky. When moving forward, and not touching the right stick, the character would randomly start leaning to the left. So often that Call of Duty was unplayable. Both controllers had the same issue, across multiple games.

I googled "controller drift" but all I got was people blowing dust-off into it or telling me to just buy new controllers. One of the IT guys actually told me to delete everything off my PS4 and do a fresh install and pray that might fix it. Another guy asked me to ship it to Sony because they thought it might be an issue with the bluetooth hardware itself. Fuck that! So I kept digging.

Some people said it could be a wifi or bluetooth interference issue, which is turns out it was! I set up my wireless network again from scratch (not sure if this step is needed), and this time I used a 5Ghz network for our phones and laptops. (I should note that just switching the wireless network to 5Ghz, and leaving the PS4 on regular wifi did NOT fix the issue!)

Then I went to PS4 Settings > Network > Set Up Internet Connection > Use a LAN cable.

At first it would not find an IP address. I found out that this was because I have my router going into an ethernet switch, then splitting into other devices. So instead I re-routed the cables so it goes Modem > Switch > Wireless Router > PS4. The router has ethernet mults out so I went from the router into the PS4, and only in this configuration would the PS4 find a unique IP address and I was able to set up with a LAN cable instead of wifi. This killed the interference and now everything works perfectly!

Thought I'd share this because it's been weeks of randomly trying to tackle the issue, and almost no info about it out there.

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