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Thursday, August 17, 2017

PS4 is acting up (automatically clicking random options without input from me). How can I fix this?

I noticed my PS4 every year(?) or so acts up by randomly clicking options on my ps4 interface without input from my controller. Like I turn the ps4 on and it starts to navigate to a random game or netflix or PS store and buy a game for me randomly eekkks!! I force shut the ps4 down before the latter could happen (I hope) but it's really starting to frustrate it. The last time it happened my bf was over and he did something to "fix it" but now it's back.

Has anyone ran into this issue? Why does this happen and how can I fix it permanently?

EDIT: Also, it looks like the transaction went through!! FML. Is there a way to cancel the transaction? It was a pre-order of a game. I didn't touch the game yet.

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