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Friday, August 11, 2017

Yakuza's music is phenomenal

I'm on my third play through...that says a lots since I rarely find a game I can be bothered to finish once, not for many, many years have I gone for a second play through and never have I done them so close together...

One thing I love about the game is the music, it's truly spot on, from the ominous deep base resonating in the dark gritty crime scenes, to the energy inducing guitar riffs when facing Kuzey woozy, to the classy jazz like mixed sith metal in chase scenes to the rather comical karaoke BWEEAKING THE LWAR songs.

I am nervously pumped for Kiwami and been waiting so bad for it (A little scared as I've played 4,5 and zero and heard 6 isn't as good and I'm hoping there's a lot of different minigames and Kamurocho is different (I know the layout in 5 is similar with zero excluding the roofs/underground) but if the music is the same, I'm all for that!

In my opinion, it's one of the most underrated least, not spoken about.

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