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Sunday, October 29, 2017

How do I get back into Horizon Zero Dawn? (Not a bashing post) (Spoiler free)

Before some of the more loyal fans of the game come to toast me in the oven, I want to say that I am not going to bash this game as it does not deserve being bashed, it is a wonderful game with tons of things to do in it, so with that being said please read the following and give me your opinions.

From the time HZD was announced I fell in love with what I saw, my friend over Skype said that it looked too good for a PS4 and I agreed with him, but then the day came for it's release and with a few minor bugs the game held up to what the devs put out on that stage for all to see. This game is insanely beautiful and I'd go so far as saying that's it's more beautiful than The Witcher 3 (My favorite game of all time), but that was the extent of my enjoyment for the game.

A few hours into my adventures, I started to notice that arrows were not hitting like they once were and if they did, they'd often do significantly less damage than before, even if I was matching elemental weaknesses to the enemy I was fighting it would not put out the same damage that I saw in previous hours of the game. On another note, I kept dying extremely fast and it got to the point of me giving up on the game, I understand you're extremely vulnerable to giant death machines, but I don't think I'm supposed to die in 3 hits from a guy rushing me with a machete.

I've beaten TW3 on hard difficulty and that was a challenge, but this just feels like the game is beating me into the ground with no signs of me being able to dig my way out, I constantly feel outleveled, constantly feel outmatched and even with traps and elemental damages on my side I always feel like I'm going to come out of the fight the loser and have to start a near 20 minute encounter all over again.

So how do I make this fun again? Maybe I'm burnt out on open world games which is weird because the last one I played was over a year ago, any opinions on the matter and good advice is well appreiciated.

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