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Saturday, October 7, 2017

I'm having a problem recently...

Applications like YouTube (well so far it's only been YouTube) are freezing, and when I try to close them down, they then get stuck on the 'closing application' screen. My next step is usually to try and restart the PS4, but it then gets stuck on the 'restarting ps4' screen indefinitely. It's obviously still trying to close YouTube but isn't able to.

I then try putting it into Safe Mode, but I can't, so I have to pull the power cord. This wasn't too big a deal the first time, as much as I hate pulling the cord, but it's now happened 2 or 3 times this week so it's becoming a bit of a problem. It first occurred during the recent beta software, buts it's still happening now on 5.00.

Anyone ever experience this or know of a solution?

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