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Saturday, October 7, 2017

Speed Up PS4 (Pro) Wifi. Switch WPA -> WPA2.

tl;dr If your Wifi encryption is set to WPA(or compatibility mode, WPA/WPA2) or even WEP change your wifi encryption to WPA2-Personal Only, as it's the newer standard and should be faster and safer, if you have PS4 Pro and 5GHz network switch to 5GHz only.

So I was downloading WipeOut and realise my download speed was rather slow, it averages less than 10 Mbps (about 1 megabyte/s), thats abysmally slow considering I have a 360 Mbps connection and I'm using a 5GHz. sure, Sony server has been known to be slow, but that still didn't make sense.

after some back and forth I found out that my router can show me the connection speed of connected devices, the PS4 was connecting with speed of 26-39 Mbps ( 5GHz vs 2.5GHz, yes 5GHz was slower :scratch_head: )

after some more head scratching I recall reading awhile back about how wifi encryption can effect connection speed, so I went searching more about it, since I remember nothing of the topic, if you want more details check this article. the sort version is, WPA2 > WPA > WEP, in reality you shouldn't be using anything beside WPA2 except for cases where you have devices on the network that don't support WPA2, with that said we're now in nearly at 2018 and that shouldn't be an issue this.

The Result... PS4 Pro connects to the router with speed of 866Mbps with real world download speed of 100Mbps (just over 10 megabytes per second), I restarted the entire download and WipeOut 22GB was downloaded in under 30 minutes.

Now, if you own a Pro and have a router with 5GHz support, you can force Pro to always use 5GHz by (1) splitting your network into 5GHz and 2.4GHz or (b) during Wifi scan on PS4, Press (Option) and select 5GHz only.

If you don't, 2.4GHz is theoretically capable of 72Mbps speed, which sure beats being limited to 36Mbps.

P.S. My issue could be caused by either or both my Pro & router, so your result may vary, so I'd like to hear your experience if you tried this. However, worst comes to worst, you really should be using WPA2 to start with.

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