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Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Sucker Punch must have listened to me in regards to Ghost of Tsushima

A few weeks ago, I was envisioning a game in my head that they should make. An open-world game where you play as a samurai in feudal Japan. A game where you're walking around the Japanese countryside, katana at your hip, and just explore bamboo forests, towns, villages, Japanese gardens, pagodas, etc., and would have combat that would be more realistic as opposed to games like Ninja Gaiden. It would be based on an authentic, realistic version of Japanese history, as opposed to games like Nioh and Onimusha. Welp, Sucker Punch must have listened (and subsequently traveled back in time 3.5 years to start developing it.) "Seriously, how come no one has made a sprawling samurai open-world game yet?" said Nate Fox, creative director at SP, in his blog. I've been asking that question for a while. Thank you for listening Sucker Punch. You just announced the game I've wanted for so long, and it just shot up to be my most anticipated game!

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