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Friday, July 28, 2017

Can you help me remember two games from the PSOne era?

These games I remember my parents got when we bought our PS4, this was around 98' maybe?

The first game at beginning you're a boxer or a fighter of some sort. After a match you're taken into concrete room and interrogated or tortured, I'm not sure but you definitely don't want to be there. I think these guys say they abducted your sister and to get her back you have to use your fighting prowess to do something for them. When you wake up you're in the middle of a cold, frozen tundra like environment. I remember the game had really difficult controls, being so young I don't think I ever figured it out.

The second game was a horror puzzle-y game. There are ghosts on this ship and you have to wander around helping some ghosts while avoiding others following really obscure clues. There's little direction and it takes a lot of figuring out what to do. One part I remember vividly was being in a long hallway on the ship and at the other end is a wraith of sorts and if you get too close to it you die instantly. You have to use an object to get around it.

The game definitely has a Japanese feel to it. It's first person and I don't believe you use any weapons, if you do it's not an important element to the game because the challenges mostly requiring finding obscure items laying around and using them.

Thanks for you help!

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