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Saturday, October 7, 2017

Problems with Family Management in 5.0

I am a married man who struggles with porn. I don't want to, but its a habit and its an addiction. I use a services to limit access on my computer and phone, which work pretty well. Anything that slips through the filter will notify an accountability partner of any mature content.

The PS4 has an internet browser that until 5.0 was easily blocked. The parental controls had a universal on/off switch that was easily locked behind a password. 5.0 makes this incredibly difficult.

First, you cannot add parental controls to anyone over 18. Second, there is only one user on my console- me. So now I have to make another PSN account and user to get access to parental controls. So thats already a less-than-elegant solution to what we had before. Also, this other account doesn't have the saved game data and trophies that the main account does.

So I need some help. #1 would be to complain real loud to Sony to bring this simple on/off feature back. #2 would be for someone to find a way to block the browser that maintains all my game data. If there was a way to change the family manager to another user, that would solve my problem. But right now, the one original user is the manager and you can not set any restrictions on that user. Like what if a kid was the only user before 5.0 and now the parent wants to set restrictions? Is there a way to do that without fucking up all the saved game data and trophies??

Sorry for the wall of text. I feel like Sony made these decision to protect themselves legally and not in their customers' best interest. I feel like Sony is unaware that their customer base is mostly adult men (ik Im an outlier in the porn department, one of few trying to stop).

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